If you have been injured in a car accident, you have a lot of information to keep track of. If you want to keep everything in order, create a “personal injury checklist.” This is a list of all the documents and information required to begin a personal injury claim or legal action.

By creating a checklist, you can divide your list into “Important Information” and “Documents.” You should format your list as follows, for example:

Checklist for Personal Injuries

Important Information

  1. Information on how to reach the person who caused your injury or injuries
  2. Contact information for any more participants in the event
  3. Date, location, and accident circumstances
  4. Names and contact information of any witnesses or people you spoke with right away following the truck accident
  5. Name, location, and phone number of the hospital or ER you visited following the injury
  6. Information on how to reach any doctor who treated or examined you
  7. Information on insurance policies for both your insurance provider and the other party involved
  8. Dates of the work periods you missed because of the accident or injury
  9. Any additional pertinent information, such as figures or phone numbers


  1. Reports from the police or accidents
  2. Written testimony from the other side and important witnesses
  3. Medical insurance programs
  4. Medical bills, prescription drug receipts, chiropractor visit bills, etc.
  5. Statement of insurance policies
  6. Other vital programs, including health insurance, employment benefits, and veteran’s benefits
  7. All letters and communication from the other party, witnesses, and other parties like insurance providers or governmental organizations
  8. Receipts for expenses associated with the harm, particularly for broken property
  9. Pay slips (if you have lost wages on account of the accident)
  10. A list of any inquiries you might have while speaking with your injury attorney
  11. Immediately following the occurrence, any pictures or videos taken at the accident scene.

As you can see, even for car crash accident cases, there is much information to keep organized.

If you decide to file a personal injury claim, you will use this checklist as evidence. Make copies of the documents and ensure that all the information is accurate. Additionally, it is helpful to write down the details of the experience for future reference (much like a diary entry).

How Are Lawsuits for Personal Injury Started?

To begin a personal injury case, the injured party—the plaintiff—files a petition with the court. A formal legal document known as a petition outlines the relevant facts and the particular laws the defendant is accused of violating.

The petition further specifies the steps the plaintiff requests the court to take, such as granting damages or ordering the defendant to begin or cease a particular course of conduct. Typically, the petition should be written by a lawyer.

The defendant will have the chance to respond to the allegations contained in the petition in a document called an “answer.” The defendant may also submit a counterclaim if they have a personal claim against the plaintiff.

Both sides will want evidence and witness information during the litigation process before trial. Any relevant information that the other party has must be shared. This is known as the discovery phase.

Both sides will appear in court at these first stages to provide the judge with updates on the case’s progress. Additionally, the contesting parties may agree to arbitration or mediation in which a trial date is fixed.

As the trial date approaches, the parties in the lawsuit will start to:

  • Attend mandatory settlement conferences,
  • Make motions to determine whether evidence will be allowed at trial, and
  • Pick a jury

What Do Missouri Personal Injury Lawyers Do?

Personal injury lawyers will represent the injured party. They offer services in a wide range of situations, including but not limited to:

  • Accidents involving motor vehicles, boats, workplace injuries, medical negligence, and defective product injuries.

Each side’s lawyers will investigate the specific facts of each case and the laws that apply. This process is known as discovery.

Do I Need to Interview a Missouri Personal Injury Attorney?

Before hiring a personal injury law firm, you should educate yourself on the specialties of their practice. This can be discussed in an informal interview over the phone or via email after the accident occurred.

Since you will collaborate closely with the lawyer, you should interview them thoroughly. The outcome of your injury case will depend on how well you get along with your lawyer before any legal action is taken.

What Role Can a Lawyer Play in a Personal Injury Case?

You may hire a personal injury attorney for assistance with your personal injury claim. The attorneys at  McDuffey & Medcalf, LLC, can gather the necessary data and paperwork and review your legal options.