$16,300,000 Verdict for clients who were involved in a head-on collision resulting in severe orthopedic injuries.
$5,004,000 Judgment for clients who were hit head-on resulting in neck and low back, legs and hand injuries.
$2,200,200 Client who suffered severe orthopedic injuries when struck by a truck.
$2,000,000 for a client who was involved in a t-bone collision with a bus resulting in significant knee injury.
Confidential Seven-figure settlement for client who had multiple surgeries after being involved in a serious accident with a semi-tractor trailer.
$1,000,000 This client came to McDuffey & Medcalf LLC fearing she would not get anything given preexisting conditions and prior surgery involving the same body parts bothering her after the collision.
$1,000,000 For client involved in a head-on collision resulting in shoulder and leg injuries.
$1,000,000 Client who was injured when hit head-on by a work truck.
$950,000 for client who was injured in a head-on collision.
$750,000 settlement for a client receiving injuries after being rear-ended by a commercial van. $600,000 Judgment for a client who received a hip and knee injury after single car accident.
$550,000 Client hit head-on by an uninsured drunk driver.
$540,000 for client hit head-on by a dump truck resulting in neck injury.
$500,000 settlement for a client receiving low back injury after being rear-ended by a semi/tractor trailer.
$500,000 for a client who injured her neck after being rear-ended by an 18 wheeler.
$450,000 for client who received neck and back injuries after being rear-ended by a tractor trailer.
$450,000 for client who received knee injury after being run off the road by a tractor trailer.
$400,000 for client who received neck injury after being hit by a truck that failed to yield the right of way.
$310,000 for car accident resulting in death.
$60,000 paid above the insurance policy limits.
$295,000 for client who injured his shoulder in a rear-end collision.
$250,000 for client who was hit by a drunk driver resulting in neck injury.
$250,000 whose husband was killed in an automobile accident. Settlement represented policy limits of negligent party and full under-insured motorist benefits.
$185,000 for client who suffered shoulder injury while being struck by uninsured motorist.

$950,000 for work related wrongful death. Death benefits awarded to spouse in disputed workers’ compensation death case. Client to receive $600.00 per week for life. Award valued in excess of $950,000.
$900,000 Workers’ Compensation Award. Client was permanently and totally disabled after suffering mild traumatic brain injury. Client to receive $512.00 per week for life and, insurance company ordered to pay future medical. Award valued in excess of $900,000.
$800,000 for worker injured at work as a result of defective equipment.
$720,000 Workers’ Compensation Award. Client was permanently and totally disabled after suffering non-operated back injury. Client to receive $385.00 per week for life and future medical. Award valued in excess of $720,000.
$525,000 for Worker who was hit by a back hoe at the job site. Client suffered injuries to his shoulder and wrist.
$500,000 Workers’ Compensation Award. Client found permanently and totally disabled after suffering non-operated back injury. Client to receive $427.94 per week for life. Award valued in excess of $500,000.
$475,000 Client who injured his low back in a work related accident.
$460,000 Workers’ Compensation Award. Client found permanently and totally disabled after receiving a series of injuries while working at the same factory over 30 years. Client to receive $340.24 per week for life. Award valued in excess of $460,000.
$414,000 Workers’ Compensation Award. Client found permanently and totally disabled. Client to receive $365.07 per week for life. Award valued in excess of $414,000.
$400,000 for client who was involved in a work-related injury after a coworker injured him while horse playing during working hours.
$395,000 Workers’ Compensation Award. Client found permanently and totally disabled after suffering severe knee injury. Client to receive $311.84 for life and to have medical provided for the remainder of her life. Award valued in excess of $395,000.
$385,000 Client Workers’ Compensation Award. Client awarded permanent total disability benefits after suffering knee injury which required knee replacement surgery. Client to receive $285.17 per week for life. Award valued in excess of $385,000.
$310,000 Workers’ Compensation Award. Client found permanently and totally disabled. Client to receive $233.23 per week for life. Award valued in excess of $310,000.
$275,000 Workers’ Compensation Award. Client found permanently and totally disabled after falling off of a ladder at work. Client is to receive all future medical benefits paid by the insurance company and $267.00 per week for the remainder of client’s life. Award valued in excess of $275,000.00.

$300,000 for client who was struck by a vehicle that failed to yield the right of way.
$250,000 for motorcycle client who was struck by a vehicle resulting in fractured foot.
$140,000 for client struck by a vehicle backing out of driveway.
$50,000 for client who had to lay his bike down after car pulled out in front of him


$2,500,000 for client who was injured by the careless placement of a feeding tube.
$1,400,000 Verdict for client who received a defective hip replacement surgery.
$325,000 for client with defective hip replacement.
$150,000 for client injured when being transferred out of hospital bed.

Premises Liability CASES
$750,000 Settlement For Alleged Premises Liability & Negligent Operation of a Golf Cart
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